Hope in the Waiting
My best friend and I flew to Florida a couple of weeks ago to celebrate her birthday. Her sister recently moved near Tampa, so hey! We had a free place to stay. Bonus!
We took a drive one day down to Sarasota to visit Siesta Keys which is known for its beautiful sandy white beaches. I was a bit disappointed, however, that the temperatures were on the cooler side that weekend. Nonetheless, we still enjoyed the day. As we sat on the beach watching the waves and the clouds roll in, I could see a break in the clouds just to the west and the sun was shining through. I knew that if we sat there just a few minutes longer we would be able to enjoy the warmth of the Florida sun on our skin. For me, a summer girl, waiting for the sun to shine is always worth it.
While reflecting on our trip and flipping through photos today, I remembered this moment. The moment of waiting. Waiting for the sun to come. Anticipating the feeling of the sun on my face and longing for that last bit of sunshine so I can hold on to my summer tan just a little bit longer.
Have you had times of waiting in your life? Waiting for a blessing to come. The love of your life. A job. A new baby. Maybe for a loved one to recover. Waiting is hard. I have had seasons in my life when I thought the waiting would last forever. Waiting and praying that my life’s journey could take a turn for the better. It’s painstakingly challenging to keep putting one foot in front of the other, not knowing if that one thing will come to pass. And then it comes! Praise the Lord! And yes, the wait WAS worth it.
The waiting is not easy, friend. It’s hard. But growth only happens in the hard. So whatever your wait is for today, be encouraged. Because - there is hope! The unseen, deeply felt belief that it WILL come. Someday. Somehow. That light at the end of the tunnel. The spark of goodness amidst the dark path. You feel it yet not always able to describe it. You dream about it. Talk about it. And that feeling just doesn’t fade. THAT is hope.
Hold on to the hope that your answer will come at just the right time, in God’s time. Just wait. Hold onto your hope. And trust that the sun will shine again.
